Alphabet Classification : In this type, a collection of out of orders letters containing three letters is kept together. To solve this firstly we have to analyse the pattern in which these letters are grouped. And after that we need to check the option which is different from the rest of the options. The option which doesn’t follow the pattern followed by others will be the right answer.
Q. Find the odd One
Answer − Option D
Explanation : In A,B and C all the three letters contains VOWELS, but D. i.e OIF do not contain all the vowels in it. So, option D is the ODD ONE OUT
Word Classification : In this category, various things which are related to common properties such as part of speech, places, livings, etc. are present. The odd one will be the one which is different from the above said.
Q. Find the odd One
A. Humming bird
B. Mount Wycheproof
C. Fairy Fly
D. Genera Sherman Tree/p>
Answer − Option D
Explanation : In A,B and C all the three are smallest in their catagory like, Humming Bird is the smallest bird
Fairy Fly is the smallest insect.
Mount Wycheproof is the smallest mountain.
General Sherman Tree is the largest tree in the world. So, option D is the ODD ONE OUT
Number Classification : In number classification method a collection of numbers is there which follows the same arrangement. In this type we need to analyse the odd arrangement from the group of numbers. These numbers may be related to a certain set i.e. they may be odd, even, coded binary digits etc. the one option which is not in a line with above rule, will be our answer.
Q. Find the odd One
A. 676
B. 512
C. 324
D. 289
Answer − Option C
Explanation : In A,B and C all the three options are squared numbers i.e.
676 is square of 26
324 is square of 18
289 is square of 17
512 is cube of 8
So, option D is the ODD ONE OUT