


The file management system is a traditional mechanism to store data permanently into secondary devices but in today digital word TBs of data need to be stored in an organized place which needs security as well as retrieval in seconds of time

Traditional file systems have the very lowest level of storage and processing capabilities which created problems regarding security, integrity, memory storage and duplicate data, data inconsistency and so on

1. Data retrieval

If you want to retrieve data from the flat file then we must develop application programs in a high-level language, so that data can be stored and retrieved fastly and securely within the time bound

Ex: SQL – structured query language

2. Data redundancy

In any storage, we need to make copies of data for backup but in traditional file management systems once we update data in one location sometimes it fails to get updated in the copy of the data, so that it may create problems of inconsistency this rate is called duplicate data or redundant data

  • The database automatically maintains consistent data through a transaction using certain rules and procedures
  • Each transaction internally follows four properties known as acid properties(atomicity, consistency, durability, isolation)
  • The database is capable of eliminating all problems of insertion-deletion updation of data through levels of the normalization process.

3. Data integrity

Data integrity ensure that only required data is stored in the database.e data is validated before entered into the database using integrity constraints such as primary key, foreign key, etc.

4. Data security

In traditional file management, there is no authentication mechanism at high-end whereas DBMS provides levels of security authentication which can be done at user level admin level, etc

5. Data indexing

If you want to retrieve data very fastly from the database we are using indexing mechanism whereas Flat files don’t support indexing and solely depend upon secondary storage devices

Indexing is a mechanism where data is uniquely identified and stored using some computational techniques so that data is retrieved very fastly.