

SQL DDL Commands

DDL Commandss

There are four types of DDL commands:

  • DROP


A database is nothing but the structured organization of data. For organizing the data in a database we need to create database tables as per the required structure

CREATE is the DDL(data definition language) commands used for the creation of the tables in a database

CREATE TABLE table_name
column1 datatype(size),
column2 datatype(size),
column3 datatype(size),
columnN datatype(size),
PRIMARY KEY( one or more columns )

Example :

create table emp( 
empno number(4,0), 
ename varchar2(10), 
job varchar2(9), 
mgr number(4,0), 
hiredate date, 
sal number(7,2), 
deptno number(2,0) 

  • Table name:emp
  • Column names: In the above table that we have created have 7 columns namely  empno, ename, job, mgr,hiredate, sal,deptno
  • Data types: What type of data should be entered for each column value. for example, we have used number data type for the column empno , which means you must enter numerical values only while inserting data for emp column
  • Size: Specifies the length of the value that is inserted, for example, we have used size 10  for ename as varchar2(10), which means the maximum number of characters that can be entered for the ename column is 10.

Creating a new table from an existing Table :

We can create a new table with exactly the same structure of any of the existing tables

Here an empty table with exactly the same structure of the existing table is created but data and constraints of the table are not copied

create table
sample as (select * from emp);

ALTER table :

  • ADD
  • DROP

It is used to add columns, delete columns, drop constraints, renaming the columns, changing the data type and data type size of the column existing in the table.

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD(column_name datatype);

Example :

ALTER TABLE student ADD(address VARCHAR(100));

ALTER table :

  • ADD
  • DROP

It is used to add columns, delete columns, drop constraints, renaming the columns, changing the data type and data type size of the column existing in the table.

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD(column_name datatype);

Example :

ALTER TABLE student ADD(address VARCHAR(100));