

Big Bang Approach in Software Engineering

Big Bang Approach

  • Big Bang approach is an integration testing where all the modules integrated together at once and tested.
  • If software testers needs to test entire software at one go then this testing is performed.
  • The goal of this testing is to verifying the functionality/working the whole system after completing the individual module/unit testing.
  • This approach is very effective for small systems.But it is hard to localize the fault because fault may related to any of the integrated module. Hence it is very expensive to find and fix the errors and this approach is time-consuming to find the issues.
  • In this type of software testing, modules are not combined one by one.
  • It is necessary to develop all the modules to ingrate them into one module and tested as as whole.
  • It checks that the software system works as expected or not.
  • Big bang approach can be more complicated to testing if test cases and their results are not written/ recorded properly.
  • Big-bang approach is an high-risk approach because it requires proper documentation to test the system.

Working of Hybrid Testing :

The system to be tested is viewed as having three layers which is mentioned below :

  • A target layer in the middle.
  • A layer above the target known as the top layer.
  • A layer below the target known as the bottom layer.

Advantages of Hybrid Testing :

  • Sandwich testing is useful for large projects.
  • When the software product under test has modules, the size of which, is comparable with that of the main product itself, then also sandwich testing has been found to be extremely handy.
  • There is lesser requirements of stubs and drivers.
  • It takes less time to complete testing.
  • It is easy to develop test cases.
  • Integration is done when modules are implemented. 
  • This approach helps to test the modules’s interface very faster.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Testing :

  • This testing is not suitable where system or the product is inter-dependence between the different components/modules.
  • It can be more complicated to test. 
  • In this approach, it is difficult to localize faults.
  • Mixed testing requires high cost.
  • This approach is not suitable for small projects.
  • Different skill sets are required for software testers at the different levels of testing.