

Preposions and Conjuctions

Preposions and Conjuctions ?
Preposition Rules:

Preposition are the words that show the relation between the noun, pronoun and other words in the sentence. Only some case Preposition comes before noun.

Preposition never change their form.

Conjunction Rules :

Conjunction link the words, phrases and clauses.

There are generally of 3 type:-

  • Coordinating conjunctions- but, and , or ,yet, so, etc.
  • Correlative conjunctions- neither nor, either or, both, but also.
  • Subordinating conjunctions -although, all, if, as, etc.
Prepositions and Conjunctions Rules

Rules for Prepositions

To know the Rules for Prepositions, we first need to understand how it is classified into 2 category:

(i) Simple Preposition
(ii) Compound Preposition

Simple Preposition

These are single word preposition- before, between, by, during, from, in, into, of, on, to, through, etc.

For Example-
(i) I am having a chicken sandwith during the lunch.
(ii)The cat is sitting under table.

Compound Prepositions

As, name suggest Compound Preposition is the more than one word preposition.- between, below the, in front of, on behalf of- are the prepositions made of more than one word.

For Example-
(i) I will be reaching there between 5 to 6 O' clock tomorrow.

Preposition at movement

Preposition can be used under movement.

  • We use to for specific thing or destination or we are aiming at particular thing.
  • For Example-
    (i) Alia turned her back to the audience.
    (ii) He drove to Chennai in 6 hours, from Banglore.

Use of though- We generally use though to provide the information about the movement in one side to the order side

For Example-
(i)He went through the 3 kilo meter tunnel in just 5 mins.

(ii) Madhbi walked quickly through the gate as she is getting late for her dance class.

Preposition for the place

In this, preposition are used to located the place.
For Example- in, at, on

  • We use at to show the any specific place and location or position.
    For Example-
    (i) Suresh lives at Golden Road, USA.
    (ii) Humia was waiting for Rehim at Bus Stop.
  • We use the preposition on for any vertical or horizontal surface.
    For Example-


Preposition for the time

In this, preposition are used to denote a timeline or point at
For Example- in, at, on

We use:

  • at for a Particular Time
  • in for a Period of Time  (month, week, year)
  • on for Days and Dates (general or specific)


  • I will Sunita my friend at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
  • He came to my house at night.
  • The movie is set to release in January, 2023.
  • The project will be complete in a year.
  • His birthday falls on 3rd September.
  • Do we have any meeting on Tuesday?


The Rules for Conjunction is quite simple if we know how to classify it into 3 categories:

(i) Coordinating conjunctions
(ii)Correlative conjunctions
(iii)Subordinating conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions

These conjunctions can join single words, or group of words, but there always prefer to join the similar the words.

Coordinating conjunctions are: and, nor,or, so, yet, for, but.

orverb + verbHave you ever seen or drive the car bugatti
sosentence + sentenceIn movie hall I was willing to sit at back so, i booked fast
andnoun phrase + noun phraseWe have the free pass for Wiz Khalifa and for Club
butsentence + sentenceThe paneer was prepared on Wednesday, but chicken was prepared on Tuesday.

Correlative conjunctions

These kind of conjunctions are used in pairs. They always join in similar kind of elements.

Correlative conjunctionsLinked Example
either…ornoun + nounTonight party is either in Kunal flat or in Rakesh flat
neither…norsubject + subjectNeither paneer nor chicken will be prepare on Thrusday
both…andsubject + subjectBoth me and my brother are living in US.
not only…but alsosubject + subjectNot only save the money but also try to invest it is important for future.

Subordinating conjunctions

This kind of conjunction is a word which join together dependent and an independent clause.

Clause- containing subject and verb.

For Example- As Sherri blew out the candles atop her birthday cake, she caught her hair on fire.

NOTE: Dependent Clause : Dependent Clause doesn’t exists on its own; it always needs independentclause to go.