

Sentence Ordering

Sentence Ordering ?

Rules for Sentence Ordering are somewhat alike paragraph ordering only the length of the sentence is shorter here. It contains a group of jumbled up sentences, which we have to arrange in a systematized manner.

Sentence Ordering means to arrange the sentences in a logical order. In this type of question format, a passage or a sentence is fragmented into 6 parts. You need to  go through each sentence carefully, link them with proper words and make a meaningful passage.

Some things to keep in mind while Ordering the Sentences
Below are some rules listed for you to read and understand the sequential order.
  • Read all the sentences
  • Understand the theme
  • Find the link between the sentences
  • Sentence Transition is important
  • Identify Grammar clues
  • Look out for some connecting words
Rules For Sentence Ordering In Details:
Now let’s see the rules individually and understand what each of it means in details:
  1. Read all the sentences – First of all, Students need to read all the sentences and identify what it is about, Do not be in a hurry to read and connect. Take your time read all of them atleast twice to make it easy to comprehend and arrange.

  2. Understand the theme – once you go through all the sentences, it becomes easy now to understand the main theme of the passage. Identify the keywords that describe the theme and try to bring them together in a logical order.

  3. Find the link between the sentences – After identifying the keywords it is time to link the sentences. Find the link among each of them that will further help you in arranging the jumbled paragraph into one logical text.

  4. Sentence Transition is Important – You must know how each sentence in the given paragraph transitions. For understanding this looks at the grammatical portion for this. The nouns, verbs, tenses. This will help you to create a meaningful storyline.

  5. Identify grammar rules – To solve the sentence ordering you grammar skills needs to be on point. You should how parts of speech relates with another that will aid you in keeping up the meaning or logic of the given passage.

  6. Look out for connecting words – Connecting words are the ones that help in a smooth transition of one line to the next. These words are however, therefore, hence, so, although etc. Look for these and see how they connect with other given sentences.

Sentence Ordering: Skills Required:

  • Proper analytical skills in grammar to understand and grab the core meaning of the passage and structure them into a meaningful passage.

  • Good critical thinking skills that will enable you to connect the sentences and elevate the overall meaning of the given passage

  • Grammatical knowledge and rules regarding parts of speech and their functionality should be known to help link the jumbles sentences.
Sentence Ordering - Sample Questions

Quesiton 1:

S1: Payment for imports and exports is made through a system called foreign exchange.
P : The value of the money of one country in relation to the money of other countries is agreed upon.
Q : These rates of exchange vary from time to time.
R : For instance, an American dollar or a British pound sterling is worth certain amounts in the money of other countries.
S : Sometimes a United States dollar is worth 12 pesos in Mexico.
S6: Another time it may be worth eight pesos.



Ans :B) PRQS

Question 2:

S1: Duryodhana was a wicked prince.
P : one day Bhima made Duryodhana fall from a tree from which Duryodhana was stealing fruits.
Q : He did not like that Pandavas should be loved and respected by the people of Hastinapur.
R : Duryodhana specially hated Bhima.
S : Among the Pandavas, Bhima was extraordinary strong and powerful.
S6: This enraged Duryodhana so much that he began to think of removing Bhima from his way.


Ans : D) QSPR