

Subject Verb Agreement

Rules for Subject Verb Agreement

The basic rule states that a singular subject takes a singular verb while a plural subject takes a plural verb.

For Example-

  • The pack of chocolates is on the table.
Here pack is the subject which is singular, so we choose 'is' as the verb.
  • The chocolates are kept on the table. Here, the 'chocolates' is the plural subject, hence we take 'are'.
Some rules of Subject Verb Agreement :

Rule 1:

In Singular Subject must use these verbs is, was, has, does, or verb ending with s or es but these verb are of singular forms of verbs.


  • The boy carries a pack of cookies everyday.
  • Sunita is writing a LAB for her assignment.


Rule 2:

In Plural Subject must use these verbs are were, have, do or verbs without s or es because these are the plural forms of verbs.


  • The boys carry a pack of cookies everyday.
  • The students are writing a LAB for their assignment.


Rule 3:

If there is pronoun YOU as the sentence subject, we MUST use the plural form of verbs, which are as follows:- are, were, have, do or verbs without s or es ending


  • You arenot comming to the football match ?
  • You have to give me the pen that you borrowed yesterday.


Rule 4:

Compound subject contains both singular and plural noun or pronoun which is either joined by or/nor, the verb should be singular


  • Ramesh or Ridhi is selected for the post of General Manager this year.
  • Blue or Black pen is allowed to be used for the exam.


Rule 5:

The following words are singular and require a singular verb:- each one, each, neither, everybody, everyone, someone, somebody.


  • Each of the directors is against the contract in the company.
  • Everybody in the class admires him for his bravery.


Rule 6:

If the sentence is beginning with “there is� or “there are� the verb is followed by a subject. Therefore “there� is not the subject the verb agrees with what follows.


  • There are apples kept in the fruit basket.
  • There is a cat sleeping on your bed.


Rule 7:

General Rule- use a plural verb when two or more subject is joined together by and.


  • Rasmika and Simon are selected as the CR's of the class.
  • Marina and Kane like to go for a live music concert every weekend.


Rule 8:

If the collective noun refers to the group as a unit, then it takes a singular verb. If it refers to the individuals in the group or the parts that make up the group, then the verb should be plural


  • The pride of lion walking in the jungle is the most jaw dropping sight to watch –
    • Here, the pride of lion is taken together as a single unit.

  • The pride of lion are sometimes divided on their choice of prey. –
    • here, the pride of lion considers each lion individually where they have separate choices and do not work together.


Rule 9:

Whenever we use numbers in a statement, they are often taken as singular subjects along with singular verbs even if the number is plural.


  • Ninty Thousand dollars is not a huge sum of money to donate.
  • Ten Miles is a long distance to cover on foot.


Rule 10:

Using added words like ‘along with’, ‘as well as’, ‘as well’ etc, with the main subject always takes singular verb.


  • Rubiina along with his brother is at the concert to night.
  • The faculty as well as the principal has been invited to the annual function next week.


Rule 11:

‘A number’ takes plural verb while ‘the number’ takes singular verb in a sentence.


  • A number of visitors are waiting in the lobby of the room to be available.
  • The number of visitors waiting in the lobby is huge.


Note:- Subject-verb agreement is necessary to ensure that there is no grammatical error and the subject agrees with the type of verb used.