


Synonyms ?

The term synonyms means a phrase or word which means similar to another word or phrase in the same language.

According to linguistic studies, most of the English words are derived from Latin and Greek language.

Each English word contains a root or a suffix or prefix, so all we have to do is to find that root, analyze whether it is of Greek or a Latin origin and then derive the meaning out of the word.

Rules for Synonyms :

A synonyms may have multiple meaning of the same word. However, always remember that any change in synonym is relative to its type – adjective, adverb, preposition, verb.

  • Verb – Jump and bounce
  • Preposition – in and within
  • Adverb – Comfortably and warmly
  • Adjective – Gorgeous and beautiful

Rule 1 – Building Word Families

Word families are like a family tree where you have the main word and then branch it out with other words that hold a same meaning. The meaning is somewhat similar to the parent or the root word. Let’s take an example below:

For Example:

  • Let the root word be Happy – now we have to associate more words that branch out from Happy:
    • Gay
    • Merry
    • Joyful
    • Jovial
    • Jolly
    • Delighted
    • Gleeful ……………..etc.
Rule 2 – Associative Words :

There exists a set of words that have the charge to associate itself with other words carrying a similar or closely related meaning. For these types of words few of the letters are same for all the associated words with the same meaning. For these words, a positive word will only associate with positive words and negatives will associate with negative ones.

For example:

  • Apple – Now you need to have words that you can associate with apple. As much as you think you will get a longer list. let’s say:
    • fruit, red, citrus, healthy, sour, sweet, brand, rotten, peeled, skewed, green, pie, flavor, chop, slice etc. This association helps you to get more words inside your head than you would normally do.
  • Dog – Let’s associate some words with dog:
    • breed, animal, faithful, domestic, pet,stray, shaggy, naughty, panting, chained, licked, bite, howl, bark, shout, sniff, paw, beware etc.
Rule 3 – Word Charge :

In order to answer any question based on vocabulary, it is important that you know the charge that that the word is carrying first. For Synonyms the word charge will be the same for the question and the answer.

These charges can be:

  • Positive – words that give positive connotation. Example – help, joy, love, support, pride, etc.
  • Negative – words that give a negative connotation. Example – anger, disappointment, loss, hatred, hostility, crime, etc.
  • Neutral – Words that do not any predominant connotation. Example – weird, writing, dog, ship, fables, etc.


Rule 4 – Prefix and Suffix :

Adding a prefix or a suffix to get several words that men the same is another rule that you can give you a book full of words easy to remember and use.

Now consider the list given below:

Below mentioned are some commonly used root/prefixes and suffixes with their respective key word, which will help to derive meaning of a variety of English words having similar meanings:

Roots / Prefix and Suffix with Keywords
Sl. Root Meaning Example
1. Act do, act agent, contract
2. Agr field agriculture, agoraphobia
3. Alt other altitude, alter
4. Alter other alternative, alteration
5. Am friend amity, amorous
6. Apt fit adapt, aptitude
7. Ben good benovelent, benefactor
8. Bibl book biblical, bibliography
9. Bio life biography, biology
10. Brev short briefly, abbreviation
11. Chrom color chromium, chromatic
12. Chron time chronology, chronic
13. Cord heart cordial, accord
14. Cid kill suicide, precision
15. cred believe incredible, credentials
16. Corp body corpulent, corpse
17. Cosm world cosmic, cosmopolitan
18. Dem people epdermics, dermatologist
19. Derm skin epidermics, dermatologists
20. dic/dict speak indicate, contradict
21. domain lord, master dominate, indomitable
22. dorm sleep dormant, dormity
23. fort strong fortitude, fortify
24. form shape conform, reform
25. frag, fract break fracture, fragile
26. gen birth generation, generic
27. graph write autograph, graphic
28. grat hydr gratitude, congratulate
29. ject junct hydration, dehydrated
30. ject throw inject, projection
31. junct join conjunction, junction
32. log word, study catalogue, psychology
33. magn great magnificent, magnitude
34. man hand manufacture, manual
35. mater mother maternal
36. mega large megaphone, megaton
37. ment mind mentality, mentally
38. merg sink submerge, merge
39. meter measure chronometer, symmetry
40. migr wander migrate, immigration
41. mir look mirror, admire
42. mort death mortality, immortality
43. mult many multitude, multifarious
44. mut change mutation, transmute
45. nat born natal, innate
46. ocul eye binocular
47. ped child Pediatrics, pedagogue
48. pet seek impetus, petition
49. phob fear claustrophobia
50. phon sound phonic, phoenix
51. pot drink potion, potable
52. prehend/s take, grasp apprehend, comprehend
53. psych mind psychic, psychology
54. rupt break rupture, erupt
55. sci, scio know science, conscious
56. sent,sens feel sentiment, sensible
57. serv keep conserve, reserve
58. soph wisdom sophisticated, philosophy
59. somn sleep insomnia, insomlonence
60. tang, ting touch tangent, contingency, contigeous