There are nearly four types of Sentence / Word Completion:
These are the words that we use to amplify the importance of the first clause or add more information to the already stated facts.
In other words, in fact, that is, etc.
The boy was too lazy to even move about during the day, in other words, he was ________.
a. slumber
b. promt
c. trickster
d. lethargic
Answer – Lethargic.
Since we use the phrase ‘in other words’ it means that we need to use a word that re-states the already given description.So lethargic can be the answer.
The words that we use in this type reflect a comparison between two subjects in the two clauses.
likewise, and, just as, as like as, similarly etc.
Just as we hope to be forgiven, so we should ______ others.
a. burden
b. forgive
c. criticize
d. conspire
Here, we have used the comparison word, ‘just as’ which means that the second clause should have a word that presents a similar meaning in the first clause. So we use ‘forgive’.
This type comprises the words that reflect a stark and definite contrast between two or more clauses.
though, yet, although, despite, but, on the other hand, but, however, despite, or, on the contrary, etc.
Although her son is a happy to go soul, her daughter is _______ and grumpy
a. rude
b. peaceful
c. merry
d. casual
Here the answer should be ‘rude’ because we are presenting a contrast between the natures of her son and daughter. While the son is peaceful and happy, the daughter is rude and grumpy.
Cause and effect:
The Cause and Effect type comprises words that act as a consequential evidence of some previous action or cause or present an impactful situation post an action.
therefore, consequently, because of, due to, as a result, leads to, etc.
Ginger practiced everyday for the competition, as a result, she _______ it.
a. lost
b. eliminated
c. won
d. ditched
Here the answer is ‘won’ because ginger practiced regularly and so she won it. her efforts resulted in her win.