The Highest Common Factor (HCF) of two numbers is the greatest factor that is common to both of them.
The Greatest Common Factor of the numbers x and y can be written as GCF (x,y).
The Highest Common Factor (HCF) is also called as the Highest Common Divisor (HCD) or Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
The smallest among the common multiples of two numbers is called their least common multiple (LCM).
We can find L.C.M in three different methods
We have to follow the steps given below, when we use common multiple method to find the L.C.M of two or more numbers.
We can find L.C.M in three different methods
We have to follow the steps given below, when we use factorization method to find the L.C.M of two or more numbers.
Bellow are the steps to find out the LCM in factorization method :
We use the steps given below to do prime factorization using ladder diagram.
We can find L.C.M in three different methods